• Question: Would you ever quit your job?

    Asked by anon-223984 to Stuart, Scott, Lisa, Jack, Caragh, Alex on 10 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by anon-234702.
    • Photo: Stuart Goldie

      Stuart Goldie answered on 10 Nov 2019:

      I’m not going to quit my job, things are very good. But as I scientist I have to make sure that I’m working to help people and if I thought the science I was doing wasn’t very nice then I would quit.

    • Photo: Caragh Whitehead

      Caragh Whitehead answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Some times when things are not going well like experiments not working or when I’m trying to do too many things at the same time, I do think about not doing research any more. But, I love science so think if I did quite I would still do something related to science.

    • Photo: Jack Saunders

      Jack Saunders answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Wow! This is a difficult question. I love what I do, but if I thought that my job was making me ill or not good for me, then I would definitely look for a different one.

    • Photo: Alex Batchelor

      Alex Batchelor answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Sometimes my job can be frustrating and I think about what else I could be doing. Thats usually when my plants have all died and I don’t know why or something else has gone wrong. It can feel pretty tough when that happens and it can be quite upsetting. But when things work it makes it all worth it!

      I will have to look for another job in about 2 years though because my PhD finishes then. I definitely want to stay in science but I might go and work somewhere thats not a university.

      I agree with what Jack said though, if a job was making me poorly or hurting my mental health I would quit and find something else. Jobs aren’t worth hurting yourself for

    • Photo: Lisa Kelly

      Lisa Kelly answered on 20 Nov 2019:

      Everyone has good and not so good parts of their job, but overall you have to love it to want to stay. I really enjoy my job, so definitely don’t want to quit!
