• Question: What is the most intes and crazy thing have you done.

    Asked by anon-223978 to Alex on 12 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Alex Batchelor

      Alex Batchelor answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Most crazy/intense science thing – In my first year at university I went on a field trip to Transylvania, we were studying the different kinds of animals and plants. We were setting up cameras to film bears and wolves, catching birds and bats to count them and tag them, and counting the types of plants.
      It was a crazy busy three weeks, we were getting up at 5am and going to bed at 11 or 12pm some days to fit everything in. Hiking through some really beautiful countryside was great. Getting to see birds and bats that close up was amazing because I’ve never been that close to them before. Plus I’m pretty sure I heard wolves howling in the forest nearby where we were camping!

      Craziest non-science thing – When i was at school i entered a competition with some friends to design an anti-bullying advert. We won and the prize was to have a “bomb disposal day” at a nearby army camp. We got to meet a bunch of army guys who diffuse bombs, try on their bomb disposal gear (its really heavy because its padded and armoured), trigger some explosions to see how different bombs are different levels of powerful (while safely in a bunker). And one of the coolest things was getting to drive some bomb disposal robots, they kind of look like Wall-E from the pixar film and they told us that they cost 1/2 a million pounds. Both of the robots stopped working during my turn driving them though so that was embarrassing and my friends kept teasing me that I’d broken them all day!
