• Question: What can I do to help the environment at home?

    Asked by anon-224267 to Stuart, Scott, Lisa, Jack, Caragh, Alex on 12 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by anon-224260.
    • Photo: Alex Batchelor

      Alex Batchelor answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      There’s quite a few things you can do or get your family to do which can help the environment:

      -make sure you turn off lights/electronics if you’re not using them
      -try to walk places if you can rather than being driven there
      -if your family eats meat then try to get them to have 1 or 2 days a week where you don’t eat meat
      -rinse plastic containers and recycle them
      -check charity shops for books rather than buying them new
      -if you have clothes/shoes/books/toys that don’t fit or you don’t want, take them to a charity shop instead of throwing them away

    • Photo: Jack Saunders

      Jack Saunders answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Alex has given a really good answer here, the only thing I can think to add is that if you can take the bus or train instead of driving in a car then that is also a good idea 🙂

      Also, you can find more than just books in the charity shop – I buy clothes from the charity shop as well!

    • Photo: Caragh Whitehead

      Caragh Whitehead answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Only things I can add is:
      -to look to switch your energy supplier to on that uses renewable energy if possible.
      – shop for local produce.
      – reduce the use of plastic.
      – look out for palm oil in products.
      – reduce the amount you send to landfill.

      Not everyone can do everything but focus on those things that you as a family can manage.

    • Photo: Lisa Kelly

      Lisa Kelly answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      You have so many suggestions already that I am sure you have lots to think about. But you know what you can do, is just do something from the list, if everybody does that and makes a positive change in some way, all those things will add up and have an impact, so pick your favourite suggestion and start with that!
